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Tomas Umrian Associates je mladé, no zároveň profesionálne a inovatívne architektonicke štúdio založené architektom Tomášom Umrianom. Hlavnou koncepciou našej práce vždy bolo prepojenie umenia a architektúry. Intenzívnou spoluprácou medzi ateliérom a galériou sa usilulujeme denne o začlenenie umenia do architektúry a zároveň ponúknume klientom profesionálnu službu, ktorá v slovenskom prostredí chýba - získať okrem architektúry či interiéru a designu aj kvalitné umenie. 

Štúdio sídli v Bratislave, no pracuje na projektoch aj v zahraničí. Máme skúsenosti s prácou na rôznych typoch projektov vrátane obytných, komerčných a inštitucionálnych budov.


Ateliér sa zameriava na tvorbu inovatívnych a udržateľných riešení, ktoré zlepšujú kvalitu ľudského prostredia. Prístup štúdia sa sústreďuje na vytváranie komplexných priestorových zážitkov, ktoré prinášajú riešenia a výzvy prograsívne zmýšlajúcich klientov. V tíme kladieme veľký dôraz na zdieľanie vedomostí z umeleckej oblasti, architektúry a stavebníctva ale aj developmentu. Snažíme sa edukovať nielen náš rozrastajúci okruh spolupracovníkov ale aj klienov, či návštevníkov galérie. Veríme, že práve zdieľaním poznatkov, osvedčených postupov, zdôrazňovaním nových trendov môžeme zvýšiť štandardy v architektonickom remesle. Úzko spolupracujeme s klientami, aby sme pochopili ich potreby a túžby a vytvorili vlastné návrhy, ktoré odrážajú ich individuálny vkus a životný štýl.


Ako tím architektov, dizajnérov a projektantov, sme sa interne zaviazali vytvárať inovatívne a udržateľné riešenia. Veríme, že je dôležité začleniť do svojich návrhov postupy a materiály šetrné k životnému prostrediu. Zároveň sa snažíme dôkladne študovať pôvodné postupy a využívaním tradičných materiálov a procesov obohacovat projekty inovtívnym prístupom sledujúcim nové trendy. 

V skratke na záver, Tomas Umrian Associates je multidisciplinárne architektonické štúdio, ktoré sa venuje vytváraniu inovatívnych a udržateľných riešení spájajúcich umenie a architektúru. Prístup štúdia sa sústreďuje na spoluprácu, zdieľanie znalostí a inovácií. A najmä do každého projetku a stavby vložíť eneormné množtvo energie a lásky.



Architecture Planning

Our team of architects provides comprehensive architecture planning services that include conceptualization, design development, construction documentation, and coordination. We work closely with our clients to ensure that their vision is realized in the final product.

Interior Design

We specialize in creating interior spaces that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Our interior design services include space planning, material selection, furniture and fixture selection, lighting design, and project management.

Project Management

We provide project management services to ensure that every aspect of the project is executed efficiently and effectively. Our project management services include budget management, scheduling, and coordination with contractors and vendors.


We offer consulting services to clients who require expert advice on architecture and design related projects. Our consulting services include feasibility studies, site analysis, building code analysis, and design reviews.



Tomas Umrian Associated Architects is a young, yet professional and innovative architectural studio founded by architect Tomáš Umrian. The main concept of our work has always been the connection of art and architecture. Through intensive cooperation between the studio and the gallery, we strive daily to incorporate art into architecture and at the same time offer our clients a professional service that is lacking in the Slovak environment - to get quality art in addition to architecture, interior design and design. The studio is based in Bratislava, but also works on projects abroad. We have experience working on various types of projects including residential, commercial and institutional buildings.

The studio focuses on creating innovative and sustainable solutions that improve the quality of the human environment. The studio's approach is focused on creating complex spatial experiences that bring solutions and challenges to progressive-minded clients. In the team, we place great emphasis on sharing knowledge from the field of art, architecture and construction, as well as development. We try to educate not only our growing circle of colleagues, but also clients and gallery visitors. We believe that it is by sharing knowledge, best practices, and emphasizing new trends that we can raise the standards in the architectural craft. We work closely with clients to understand their needs and desires and create custom designs that reflect their individual tastes and lifestyles.


As a team of architects, designers and planners, we are internally committed to creating innovative and sustainable solutions. We believe it is important to incorporate environmentally friendly practices and materials into your designs. At the same time, we try to thoroughly study original procedures and, by using traditional materials and processes, enrich projects with an innovative approach following new trends.

In a nutshell, Tomas Umrian Associates is a multi-disciplinary architecture studio dedicated to creating innovative and sustainable solutions combining art and architecture. The studio's approach is focused on collaboration, knowledge sharing and innovation. And especially to put an enormous amount of energy and love into every project and construction.

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